Friday, August 16, 2013

Where Are You?

We ask many questions about God. Some we voice while other questions we quietly keep to ourselves. But next to the most over used question of "Why God?" is the question "Where are you?"

And it's the same question God asked Adam. It the same question He ask us today. Genesis 3:9 records, "But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?"

God was not confused or lost. He was not asking about a geographical place but where did Adam and Eve's heart go? They trying to hide from His presence. Here in the garden of such beauty and perfection, a place where fear did not exist, why would they hide?

Again, it wasn't the place between God and His beloved creation that troubled Him, it was the space between them. Communion was broken. There was a terrible breech in their relationship. Why didn't they greet Him for their evening stroll through the garden? Something was terrible amiss. They were hidden and try to cover their shame as a result of disobedience.

Down the line God asks the same question.

To Cain who killed his brother, "Where is your brother?" (Genesis 4:9). To a runaway slave, God ask Hagar where and why is she running from her mistress (Genesis 16:8). And the Angel of Lord asks of Abraham, "Where is your wife Sarah?" (Genesis 18:9).

When God ask where you are - tell Him, my friends, the truth. If you are in a place you shouldn't be - God can walk right past the crowded bar, the drinking and immorality but He chooses to ask, "Where are you?" It's an invitation to be truthful. If you are in relationship that is not right or you are trying to do well but failing miserably - He comes to you with that single question.

"Where are you?"

How you answer Him really matters in the hour of your deliverance. No pretense, lying or covering your tracks or making up stories or excuses.

The only answer we can give Him when He questions us is to say as Samuel when God called to him, "Here I am".

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