Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Temperance is not a word we commonly use in our everyday language. Another word for temperance is self-control. In 2 Peter 1:6 we read, "And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;" (KJV). In the original the Greek word means, "dominion within".

Our culture is one of excess and extreme. Moderation is another term for temperance for it speaks of self control. But self control can go only so far before we find ourselves in trying circumstances. Often we fall back to the very thing we tried to bring under control only to get further ensnared by it.

In the verse in 2 Peter 1: 6 we read knowledge comes before temperance followed by patience. While the list may not necessary be based on what is priority it does act like a building block for holy character.

Knowledge, that is imparted wisdom through the Holy Spirit, helps us to temper our responses when we understand His mind. Patience requires us not to act with haste but learn to wait for His guidance even when we have some understanding or knowledge about the matter.

Temperance is one of the many qualities listed in verses 5 through 7 that comes with a rich promise found in verse 8. If these things abound in us, we will not be barren (deprived of reproducing spiritual life) and unfruitful. However, if we lack these things we are blind and cannot see afar off (no vision resulting in a lack of purpose and direction) and we forget we have been purged from old sins (verse 9).

I believe this is the litmus test of the quality of our Christian walk. If we are finding ourselves losing control, flying off the handle, impatient or acting impulsively - we need ask the Holy Spirit to bring us under His control. Beloved, if we don't, we are in danger of becoming blind and forgetful of His work in our lives.

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