Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's All About You, Jesus

Jesus must be the center of our lives. If He is not, we are in danger of allowing idolatry to take root in our hearts and mind. We are warned, "Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen." (I John 5:21, KJV).

The key word is keep. In the original it has a similar meaning of a shepherd being vigilant in watching over his flock or a military guard keeping his trained eye on his surroundings.

Idolatry can be just about anything we place more weight as being true and elevate it over God's Word (which is the final authority and truth to govern our lives). Idolatry can be an image, the impress of the world through television, culture, trends, media etc.

Idolatry can be crafted from our own thoughts, ideas, places, people or experiences. We can even make emotions an idol. What we feel or how we feel sets our mood for the day. Or when we feel good or close to God, then we will pray or read the Word of God.

Idolatry is a real danger because it is often tied to sensuality (appeasing fleshly appetites) and threatens to shift worship from God to self.

In essence, idolatry is the worship of self, something Lucifer knows all too well. He rebelled in desiring to possess God's throne and worship. If Satan can re-direct our affections and worship away from God, he is one step away of receiving our worship that he craves. It's a subtle and effective weapon to strike against God to see His own people, bending and stooping over something in worship. Sadly, Israel's history speaks to us today of a warning to keep ourselves from this wickedness.

One way of guarding ourselves against the temptations of idolatry is found in Psalms 119:1, "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee" (KJV). When your heart is full and satisfied by God's word it will guard you from falsehood and the seduction of idolatry.

Beloved, let us pray this Scripture with a heart fully committed to worship God, alone.

Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips. (Psalms 16:4, KJV).

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