Friday, August 9, 2013

Go In His Mighty Power!

Jesus in Matthew 10:6 commissions the twelve disciples to go the lost sheep of Israel. He gives them the mandate to heal the sick, cleanse the leper and cast out devils. In verse 1 it says, he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of disease (reading from the KJV).

In the original the Greek word is eksousĂ­a. A word that means "authority, conferred power; delegated empowerment ("authorization"), operating in a designated jurisdiction" (Bible Hub by Biblos).

In other words, Jesus gave power from on high over the lower powers of the enemy that had taken God's people captive.

These "lost sheep of Israel" were the same people who had come out of Egypt and entered the wilderness and moved into the Promise Land. They were given the mandate to drive out the enemy and possess the land God promised to their father Abraham. God gave them glorious victories and power to conquer the enemies around about them. Now, centuries later, they were a people not only under the rule of the Roman government, but under the oppressive sway of an unseen but very real enemy, the Devil.

Beloved, God's mandate has not changed. His power is still available for us to expel the Enemy from the places he has taken up residence - both in our lives and those He wants us to reach. But many would say the time has passed or we live in a modern world where technological advances are a greater power.

Nothing can match the power of Christ. Only He can set free a man or woman bound by the Enemy! And as good and needful modern medicine is for us, nothing compares to the Healer's work where medicine will fail to reach - the very heart and soul of a sin sick person.

No, beloved, God is still moving throughout the earth to heal, deliver and bring souls into the kingdom. Do we believe His power is still available to us to move against the Enemy to bring good news to the hurting? Absolutely. Just because we don't see incredible miracles (and it's happening even today, it's just not reported in the news) does not take away God's commission with authority to act according to His word to bring deliverance and healing to those around us.

When we go where ever He leads, His power is waiting to be released through our lives - no matter how foolish or weak we may feel.

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