Sunday, July 28, 2013

When God Knocks

As usual, we drove to the city to attend church. While waiting for service to start, we walked to a favorite grocery store that had a huge selection of bakery items and hot food. We found a table and pulled out the Sunday newspaper rolled up in my knapsack. My wife and I shared a nice warm breakfast when I glanced up from the paper and looked about me.

During lunch the store would be completely packed with standing room only for eating and shopping. It is a challenge to navigate around the chaos of shopping carts, people holding trays of food and store employees trying to keep the place clean and tidy.

I noticed the man beside me or rather the half gallon of milk sitting on the table. He too was busy having breakfast, so I supposed, until I noticed he was talking to himself and his eyes were half closed. He seemed lost in his own world.

Later, we got up to go to church, when the Lord spoke to my heart. Invite him to church. My rational mind said he's pretty much checked out, what would he understand? But the impression grew so strong that I pulled out from my bag a simple gospel track and wrote the name of the church and time. I approached him with a smile letting him know I have something for him to read and if he's interested, he's welcome to attend church. His head bobbed up and down while his questioning eyes were fixed on me. A couple next him suddenly stopped talking to over hear the transaction.

Jesus says in Revelation 3:20, "Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends" (NLT).

I believe the invitation is not just to unbelievers but to the redeemed. God wants to enter into the deepest places in our heart. For the man at the store who had a troubled mind, God knocks. To the Christians gathered at the church, He walks the aisles, stops and knocks at their hearts.

When God visits you, it can be surprising who or what He uses, but beloved, open your heart to Him. The God who can walk through walls can walk right past all the barriers and walls in your heart but He chooses to stand outside and knock. Will you let Him in today?

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