Thursday, May 9, 2013

True Friend

Is there a Jonathan in your life lending you support and encouragement?

Jonathan strengthened the hand of his best friend - the one who would take his place and sit on his rightful throne ruling a kingdom he was meant to inherit.

But we read in 1 Samuel 23:16-18 that Jonathan goes to where David is hiding and strengthens his hands.

This will be the last time Jonathan and David would see each other. One of the most difficult challenges we face is to encourage the one who will take our place. Not because we have sinned or because we failed, but rather God has determined it.

But if we are reluctant or unyielding it will only rob of us of our strength and we will find ourselves in opposition to God. Think of Elijah who thought he was the only prophet who had not bowed to Baal yet there was several thousand just like him. Then God instructs him to anoint Elisha as his replacement.

Before David conquered Goliath, Jonathan won a victory crawling on his hands and knees with the armor bearer (1 Samuel 14). But we remember the story of David and Goliath more than Jonathan’s victory.

Before Ziklag was destroyed where we find David’s strengthening himself in the Lord (I Samuel 30:6) it was Jonathan who often refreshed David while on the run from Saul. By refreshing David's heart, Jonathan did more than subdue and further God’s kingdom on the battlefield.

Jonathan had won a victory over the enemy of bitterness and hatred. He loved and remained loyal to his father and to David. He was a true friend who was willing to help David knowing he would never see the throne, be a king or experience the joy and trials of a ruler.

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