Like a tsunami, swells of terror roll across the globe and have broken over our own shores. 9/11 forever changed America where we have long known peace and prosperity.
Recently, an Asian nation is provoking the world with threats of nuclear activity sending ripples of fear throughout the earth. Take for instance the real estate agent who remarked why does the president of this nation have to be so cruel, unkind, when it could be an opportunity to do good? You could detect the undertones of concern and apprehension.
Only this afternoon there was a bombing at a marathon (though yet to be determine the reason and who is responsible).
When the world is being swallowed by rising fear and terror, we have this unshakable assurance in Christ. He is our Rock who never changes. He is for us and not against us. We can be a people rooted, grounded, firmly planted and unshakable in turbulent times because we serve a mighty God.
Our testimony to a world is not of perfection but a people who know the peace of God in troubling times. We can be at rest understanding God is in control. God is good all the time no matter the outcome. God fearing saints lost their lives in 9/11, they were not exempt simply because they were Christians. We walk in a fallen, decaying and violent world and our touched by tragedy and pain.
Remember Noah? His generation was so wicked God flooded the entire earth, but out of His mercy Noah and his family was spared along with some of the animal kingdom. It says, "But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded." (Genesis 8:11, NIV).
God remembers us and will bring deliverance. He will cause the tides of fear to recede so we are not overcome. God will not forsake or forget you! You are on His mind every moment - when He remembers you - He remembers His promises to keep and sustain you forever.
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