Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Consulting God

When we ask God His thoughts and His determination on every decision (yes, every decision) it pleases Him. No matter how small or foolish the request, God cares to hear us. He is pleased when we seek Him rather than seek our own way of going about answering our requests.

Those who seek the Lord's mind in making godly choices are sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. The way you dress, behave, speak and think changes.

When we consult the Lord, we must be truthfully about our present condition. It's not a time to hide or pretend to be something we are not, rather we must be honest and transparent. The Scriptures states, "The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth" (Psalms 145:18 KJV).

The lie of the enemy is keep you from praying, saying it doesn't matter or God will not hear or answer you. The devil is the father of lies and opposes the truth. But God is near to those who call upon him in truth.

As my wife and I continue to search for housing, we find ourselves praying several times throughout the day. Both of us are greeted by silence, no imparted word from heaven, but still we pray. We ask God to search our hearts, test our intents and be willing to sacrifice what we believe is precious on the altar for God's best. In such trying times, there's a temptation to revert to old patterns of thinking, of giving into doubt, of blame shifting and self-pity. I can feel these feelings rise from the pit of my stomach and the tightness in my chest from anxiety squeezes even tighter.

Exhausted from a long day, we drove back to the hotel when a storm quickly gathered in the horizon. Along the Hudson River, lightening arced across the sky with a brilliant flash followed by a angry rumble. As we hurried into the hotel, the rain fell in torrents and the ground shook following a burst of thunder. Seconds before entering the hotel doors, the fading rumble of thunder reminded me of God's sovereign power.

God is still in control which is why it's so important to consult Him. Our life, our future, our very breath is in the sovereign care of God. When we consult God, we render all control for His decision in all matters of life.

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