God is speaking and acting on behalf of those across the earth who put their trust in Him. To boldly believe God can take whatever is impossible and make it possible through His power.
Jesus said to a father who son was tormented by an evil spirit, "'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes." (Mark 9:22 NIV).
Listen my beloved, God's grace can break through walls of a man or woman who is hardened against the Lord. He can bring home the wayward son who has lost himself to the things of the world. Or a daughter who rebels to marry a man who is bent on destroying every once of life in her. And God is strong enough to heal our wounded, weary hearts!
God can move the mountain when we are moved to believe Him.
It's too easy to be swayed and influenced by what we see in the natural as being a tall, giant unmovable mountain. You may say there is many immovable boulders, trees well rooted into the ground and freezing layers of ice on the top!
But if we don't trust Him, we will never see what is waiting behind that mountain - a lush, green broad place that God wants to bring us (Psalms 18:19). A place of safety and peace.
Beloved, there is no power on earth or in hell that God can not step in to say, "Enough!" And instead of sleepless nights and anxious driven days, He calms the raging seas of our mind to bring lasting peace.
Again, when we are at peace to surrender that there is nothing we can do apart from Him, then His peace reigns over our hearts and minds. Is not about resigning but committing our hearts to Him. Believing He will act according to His word. But when we spend every waking hour scheming and plotting how to get around, under or over something we will know very little of trust in a God who truly cares to answer us in our desperate hour.
Here's a precious promise for us who might be in a storm of impossibilities. It's from Psalms 107:28-30.
"LORD, help!" they cried in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. What a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into harbor! (NLT).
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