King Jehoshaphat stood up in the assembly of people gathered from Judah. A vast army lead by the Moabities gathered against Jehoshaphat,including the Ammonites and the Meunites (2 Chronicles 20:1).
The Moabities worshiped the god Chemosh which involved child sacrifice. They hired Balaam to curse Israel (Deuteronomy 23:3-5). But God turned Balaam's cursing into a blessing.
You can say the enemy best represented by the Moabities is a god of sensuality. Ammonites is the enemy of violence, of an unsatisfied appetite fueled by anger and rage. The Meunites means "dwellers" and given an opportunity, this enemy will take up residence where they don't belong. These are spiritual squatters who occupy a believer's mind that has given an opening to the devil.
These enemies form a three-strand cord of sensuality all tied by a familial knot.
Recall it was Lot's older daughter who seduced her father after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, which produced a child named Moab (Genesis 19:37). The younger gave birth to Ammon. The Meunites were a tribal people who lived on the border of Egypt. Egypt represents a worldly and seductive power. Israel was tempted to flee to her borders, especially during the years of captivity but warned not to go back (Jeremiah 42:19). And remember that when Joesph was sold into slavery and later rose to power, he had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim from an Egyptian woman (Genesis 41:50).
We learn through Jehoshaphat's prayer some important keys when we are overwhelmed by an Enemy that threatens to destroy us through any means, be it through sensuality, rage, using our family history or trying to take up residence by displacing us.
1. God is in control, He rules over all the kingdoms of the nations, including spiritual powers (2 Chronicles 20:6)
2. Recall God's promise - Jehoshaphat tells the Lord, this is your land, your people and your inheritance (verse 7-9)
3. Jehoshaphat recalls Israel's history as sojourners in the wilderness and they did not to attack them, but now they are rising
up against Judah. When the enemy crosses that boundary line that God has set, the Lord will act on our behalf
(verse 10-11)
When you recall and believe God's promises and sovereignty even if things seem out of control, you are positioning yourself for a victory. Yes, the Enemy is inching his way closer to the boundary line God has set to keep you, but the devil can't see the trap God has laid for him!
Jehoshaphat ends his prayer by saying, "We don't know what to do, but our eyes are upon you" (verse 12). Beloved, look up and not all around you - don't try to stare down the enemy but fix your eyes on God.
What happened to the enemies?
God set an ambush and the enemy started to kill each other off! (22-23). You will not be overwhelmed or overcome, my brother and sister, but look up. Salvation is coming! And it will be your enemy who will be devoured and overwhelmed.
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