Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Ears You Have Pierced

David says in Psalms 40:6 says, "Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required."

Perhaps David thought of Samuel's word to King Saul in I Samuel 17:22 that "has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord?"

With that, David realized with opened ears an outward show of sacrifice or religious offerings, even if lawfully required, was not sufficient. Nor doing anything noble in the name of the Lord when its a heart not fully committed to Him.

In this same passage, King David was also speaking prophetically of Christ who in Hebrews 10 who fulfilled the requirements of the law by offering Himself obediently to the will of His Father, thus doing away sacrifices that of itself could not remove sin and guilt.

What is interesting in Psalms 40:6 is that the word "open" means to bore (some translations use the word pierce). This speaks of two things. There might have been a time for David that his ears were dull, much like our own. There are so many voices competing for our attention, so many distractions and sounds it makes it difficult to hear the quiet whispers of God. And sadly, when we do listen, the often repeated messages we hear can result in a dull, monotonous roar. We live in a culture that wants to hear something new, fresh, even dramatic, all within a 30 second sound byte given our mind wanders very quickly.

Yet there is a second thing that I believe Psalms 40:6 speaks, something much deeper and profound. In Exodus 21:6 says if a servant loved his master (even after his master provided him a wife who bore children)he could stay provided his ear was pierced.

And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free

We need to come to a place where we ask the Lord even though you have provided all these wonderful blessings in my life, I don't want to ever leave you. The door to run or leave is forever closed, sealed. So, come open my ears, let your Word pierce my dull hearing. I don't want to hear the voice of others, not even the voice of my blessings speak to me about Your miraculous provision, nor the voice of the flesh, but Your voice alone to say I'm Yours forever.

The greatest blessing is be bound by God's word for within this constriction we truly hear His words. And His words instill in us the faith to believe and obey.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Unrestricted Revelation

In Luke 2:36-38 gives an account of a very old woman by the name of Anna who was a widow and did not depart from the temple of God.

She served Him with fasting and prayer day and night. As a widow she had very limited income and largely depended on the charity of others to provide her daily needs. She had restricted religious education and restricted access in the temple, most likely confined to the women's court.

Yet Anna was anything but restricted in her understanding of the Lord. God rewarded her for those long weary nights of fasting and prayer. Think of the many Jewish babies coming into the temple to be dedicated to the Lord, as prescribed by the law, yet instantly she knew this was the Christ child.

It says in verse 38: "And coming in that instant (or in the original in that hour") she gave thanks to the Lord". Simeon echoes the same wording in verse 26, he would not see death until he had seen the Lord's Christ.

There comes a moment when the desires instilled in our hearts by the Holy Ghost is suddenly realized in a single hour.

Anna's sacrifice of prayers, fasting (perhaps even out of need) and tears made for an unrestricted revelation. Both Anna and Simeon saw what hundreds passing through the temple could not see, the fulfillment of a promise made thousands of years ago starting with Adam and Eve, to the patriarchs and prophets, until that very hour.

The long awaited Redeemer arrived in an unexpected form, God Incarnate, veiled in human flesh. Suddenly their longings were satisfied, their understanding was deeply enriched and hope renewed.

Today we can pray as Paul did in Ephesians 1:17-19 to have the eyes of your understanding enlightened...that you may know what is the hope of His calling.

Anna heard the whispers of God in prayer, her understanding was not cluttered or dimmed by fleshly means, and her eyes opened to see the Lord.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Are You Weak and Weary?

Are you weak and weary from the internal strife that wages war in the mind and heart?

So many questions, so few satisfying answers? Do you find yourself restless at night, tossing and turning, troubled by what tomorrow might bring?

Hebrews 12:12 says, "Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed."

How do you strengthen tired, worn creased hands trying to help others when little help for you is to be found? How do you support yourself when the weight of family, friends or work pressures press down on you, almost buckling your knees? And how do you stand upright when you lose your footing?

The cross reference for this Scripture is found in Isaiah 36:3-4. The key word is "Be strong, do not fear!"

We often become weakened and weary because of intimidation. The devil harasses the mind with lies of being left alone, abandoned, you'll not have provision or God is angry with you so you might as well take matters into your own hand. Even the voices of family and friends might feel intimidating and you second guess what God has promised you.

David knew exactly what the writer of Hebrews meant to "strengthen the hands" for when he return to Ziklag he not only found the city burned to the ground, but his wives and those of his men's wives and children were taken captive. In I Samuel 30:6 it says that David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.

So when you face daunting problems, medical bills, shattered relationships seemingly beyond repair, job loss, and tear-stained nights - it's time to strengthened your self in God.

Open the Bible and read aloud in prayer the promises of God.

He will never leave you nor forsake you...nothing can separate me from the love of God...I'm a new creation...

As you begin to call to remembrance His goodness, His mercy and how much He loves you, strength will flow into your very heart and soul! A new confidence will spring up! Like David, God will help you to recover all (verse 18)!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Let Me See You

Moses asked the Lord to show His glory in Exodus 33:18. The Lord responded in verses 20-22 by instructing Moses to stand by Him on the rock (verse 21). The Lord covered Moses with His hand as He passed by (verse 22). In verse 23, only the back of God could be seen, while His face remained hidden. Over the years I have heard the prayer and cry of many saints for God to show His glory.

But what about God's cry to see us - we who are image bearers of His glory?

In the garden, when Adam and Eve sinned, God asked, "Where are you"? God knew exactly what had transpired and did not lose sight of Adam and Eve. They disobeyed and hid from Him. Their faces were no longer radiant, but ashamed and downcast.

God's cry remains the same today. I believe Song of Solomon 2:14 tells the other side of Moses' plea for the Lord to reveal Himself. This time, it's God who calls to you and me, so we can be seen by Him.

O My Dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.

Beloved, no matter how cloudy or dark life might seem, or you may have fallen into the muck of sin, or tears of pain blind your eyes - hear today God's earnest desire. Let Him see your face and hear your voice. Your face is lovely in His eyes and your voice is sweet to His ears. He will not turn away from you in disgust or in anger as others might have done.

So don't hide when He calls, but as the Scriptures say, "Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away!"

He is waiting for you in the secret place where He will reveal Himself to you, as you let him see you just as you are with nothing to hide or to disguise.