Moses asked the Lord to show His glory in Exodus 33:18. The Lord responded in verses 20-22 by instructing Moses to stand by Him on the rock (verse 21). The Lord covered Moses with His hand as He passed by (verse 22). In verse 23, only the back of God could be seen, while His face remained hidden. Over the years I have heard the prayer and cry of many saints for God to show His glory.
But what about God's cry to see us - we who are image bearers of His glory?
In the garden, when Adam and Eve sinned, God asked, "Where are you"? God knew exactly what had transpired and did not lose sight of Adam and Eve. They disobeyed and hid from Him. Their faces were no longer radiant, but ashamed and downcast.
God's cry remains the same today. I believe Song of Solomon 2:14 tells the other side of Moses' plea for the Lord to reveal Himself. This time, it's God who calls to you and me, so we can be seen by Him.
O My Dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.
Beloved, no matter how cloudy or dark life might seem, or you may have fallen into the muck of sin, or tears of pain blind your eyes - hear today God's earnest desire. Let Him see your face and hear your voice. Your face is lovely in His eyes and your voice is sweet to His ears. He will not turn away from you in disgust or in anger as others might have done.
So don't hide when He calls, but as the Scriptures say, "Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away!"
He is waiting for you in the secret place where He will reveal Himself to you, as you let him see you just as you are with nothing to hide or to disguise.
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