Self-pity is the excessive posturing that you have suffered more than anyone else and so you are entitled to feel sorry for yourself. Though self-pity is a narrow, downward view of self, it will seek the pity of others to side with your argument that you were unfairly treated. You could say self-pity is much like an overgrown weed that will strangle and constrict a life.
Empathy not pity should move our heart to take action just as God does at the plight of those suffering.
We have the example of the invalid (the original word means without strength) at the pool of Bethesda for some thirty-eight years (John 5:5). The Lord asked the man a simple question. Do you want to be well? (5:6). It was a simple yes or no question but the man gave him a reason to why he was still in his weakened condition.
Pity never moves us to faith but to fatalism. And self-pity will shift the blame and reasonability onto someone else. The man blamed others for blocking him in receiving his rightful healing (5:7).
But he missed the entire point - it was not his helplessness that was at issue but disbelief in the power of God to act on his behalf. Faith will always see Christ as the Son of God not only the Son of Man. Pity can blind the eyes to only focus on the natural not the supernatural. What others did not do to help this weakened man God was more than willing to heal. Remember His power is perfected in our weakness.
That is why Jesus commanded him to get up. To break the stranglehold of self-pity means we have to stand on the promises of God regardless to what we think or feel.
Recently I was invited on a business trip for a company project. It meant visiting a city that represented some very dark times in my life. This was a place marked by much foolishness and self-pity. Now, when I go back the Lord has commanded me don't view it as I did in times past. Rather confronting the stranglehold requires seeing through the eyes of God's rich mercy. He was merciful to me back then in the depths of my foolishness and sin. He is here now to walk those same streets with a glad heart.
Beloved, if your heart is heavy from some injustice or pain done to you - release it into His hands. Take a moment to pour out your heart to Him. Let the tears flow. Then rise to your feet and stretch out your hands. Begin to thank Him for His care and kindness. Thank Him that He will deal justly with the issue. Worship will always swallow up self-pity and move your feet to dance in freedom!
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Eyes Full Of Light
Minutes before Samson's death, he prayed: "O Lord GOD, remember me, I pray thee, and strengthen me, I pray thee, only this once, O God, that I may be at once avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes." (KJV).
Samson was gifted with supernatural strength to lead Israel into victory against the enemies of God but was overtaken by an inward enemy of lust. In the end, his eyes were gouged out by the enemy. The very eyes that were consumed from straying glances and sexual behavior. Rather than being in the house of God beholding His glory (Psalms 27:4) he was in the temple of Dagon where he was the center of mockery and ridicule.
I believe in this present generation which relies heavily on the visual has impacted the church. We have become a people who are ever perceiving but not seeing clearly through the eyes of faith. Our vision has become narrow and constricted to the temporal and the external. While the greater and higher plans of God are lost to what is seen in front of us. As result, faith which is the evidence of things unseen (Hebrews 11:1) has turned to something akin to fatalism. That is to say we believe only what we see and our faith leans on the pillars of human reasoning.
Apostle Paul's prayer to the Ephesians is a cry for the church today. He prayed, "The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints" Ephesians 1:18 KJV).
Beloved, we must allow the Holy Spirit to search and weigh our hearts - every intent, motive and ambition - no matter how good and proper it may appear. Jesus warns, "Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness." (Luke 11:34 NIV).
Recently the Lord is dealing with various hidden attitudes in my heart - toward people, events, memories etc. I'm learning that if the attitude and the poisonous root hidden below the surface is not addressed it will decrease the light in my life and my eyes will become dim if not darkened. My vision of Christ becomes degraded and muted. No longer can I see clearly the glorious work of Christ in my brothers or sisters. Otherwise, I can be fixed on difficult and sometimes unpleasant transformation process of a man or woman becoming more like Him.
Let's press into Him so our hearts remain clean and clear. It means our eyes will be full of light and life.
Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalms 34:5.
Samson was gifted with supernatural strength to lead Israel into victory against the enemies of God but was overtaken by an inward enemy of lust. In the end, his eyes were gouged out by the enemy. The very eyes that were consumed from straying glances and sexual behavior. Rather than being in the house of God beholding His glory (Psalms 27:4) he was in the temple of Dagon where he was the center of mockery and ridicule.
I believe in this present generation which relies heavily on the visual has impacted the church. We have become a people who are ever perceiving but not seeing clearly through the eyes of faith. Our vision has become narrow and constricted to the temporal and the external. While the greater and higher plans of God are lost to what is seen in front of us. As result, faith which is the evidence of things unseen (Hebrews 11:1) has turned to something akin to fatalism. That is to say we believe only what we see and our faith leans on the pillars of human reasoning.
Apostle Paul's prayer to the Ephesians is a cry for the church today. He prayed, "The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints" Ephesians 1:18 KJV).
Beloved, we must allow the Holy Spirit to search and weigh our hearts - every intent, motive and ambition - no matter how good and proper it may appear. Jesus warns, "Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness." (Luke 11:34 NIV).
Recently the Lord is dealing with various hidden attitudes in my heart - toward people, events, memories etc. I'm learning that if the attitude and the poisonous root hidden below the surface is not addressed it will decrease the light in my life and my eyes will become dim if not darkened. My vision of Christ becomes degraded and muted. No longer can I see clearly the glorious work of Christ in my brothers or sisters. Otherwise, I can be fixed on difficult and sometimes unpleasant transformation process of a man or woman becoming more like Him.
Let's press into Him so our hearts remain clean and clear. It means our eyes will be full of light and life.
Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. Psalms 34:5.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
There's Always Something!
Recently a man repairing our internet cable said to himself, "There's always something!" He had to make another trip to his van for something important to complete the work.
I stopped short thinking over our recent move. We had faced so many roadblocks and hindrances that I found myself saying those same words. I considered my job with system issues and the demands of reports and projects. At every turn there was distractions and interruptions. At time the customers can be very difficult eating into precious time with long stories or storming the line to vent their disappointment. Even while writing this blog entry my laptop suddenly crashed and I had to reboot!
The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart about a hidden attitude behind those words. There's always something! Whenever I spoke that phrase it was a complaint that nothing seemed to go right in my life. And that complaint was directed to the Lord as an accusation. If He's so sufficient then why do I lack so much? With such an attitude, my tone turns bitter and acidic. My lips tend to twist from the sheer frustration of yet another issue or problem. Why can't I catch a break! Why does my life seem to attract drama!
The Lord's antidote was simple. Recall His acts of mercy. The many times He had forgiven (and continues to do so) and times He has comforted and helped me. When I turned my mind back to the goodness of God then the bad attitude soon gave way to a heart of gratitude that God is my everything and so much more - even in my worst condition.
He brought to my mind Psalms 59:10 that says, "The God of my mercy shall prevent me: God shall let me see my desire upon mine enemies." (KJV). God in His rich mercy has often answered our prayers in advance to prevent a need or want from even existing! Even when things go wrong the truth remains that God hears and helps those who call upon Him in their times of distress.
Who knows those difficult things that we encounter is God "preventing" us or redirecting us away from something destructive or hurtful. If anything He always makes something beautiful out our lives!
I stopped short thinking over our recent move. We had faced so many roadblocks and hindrances that I found myself saying those same words. I considered my job with system issues and the demands of reports and projects. At every turn there was distractions and interruptions. At time the customers can be very difficult eating into precious time with long stories or storming the line to vent their disappointment. Even while writing this blog entry my laptop suddenly crashed and I had to reboot!
The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart about a hidden attitude behind those words. There's always something! Whenever I spoke that phrase it was a complaint that nothing seemed to go right in my life. And that complaint was directed to the Lord as an accusation. If He's so sufficient then why do I lack so much? With such an attitude, my tone turns bitter and acidic. My lips tend to twist from the sheer frustration of yet another issue or problem. Why can't I catch a break! Why does my life seem to attract drama!
The Lord's antidote was simple. Recall His acts of mercy. The many times He had forgiven (and continues to do so) and times He has comforted and helped me. When I turned my mind back to the goodness of God then the bad attitude soon gave way to a heart of gratitude that God is my everything and so much more - even in my worst condition.
He brought to my mind Psalms 59:10 that says, "The God of my mercy shall prevent me: God shall let me see my desire upon mine enemies." (KJV). God in His rich mercy has often answered our prayers in advance to prevent a need or want from even existing! Even when things go wrong the truth remains that God hears and helps those who call upon Him in their times of distress.
Who knows those difficult things that we encounter is God "preventing" us or redirecting us away from something destructive or hurtful. If anything He always makes something beautiful out our lives!
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Spirit Of Lawlessness
I Thessalonians 2:7 says "For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way." (NIV). As believers we have this comfort that God is in control and remains so until the appointed time of His return. We are truly nearing the end of what has been called the last days!
As a nation we have witnessed this dark spirit animating a man filled with anger and hatred to kill and maim those in a bar. Sadly, we saw it played out in the streets of Dallas when police officers were killed. Recently CNN reported that Chicago had 2,000 victims of gun violence this year alone.
This violent and angry spirit is the same in Revelation 12:12 that says "Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short." The enemy understands he's constrained by the Holy Spirit but will make every effort to use the weakness of human flesh to move them to destroy others.
Because such a spirit exists it does not excuse a person to do whatever they please - in whatever god or cause - they claim supports their actions. One day we will all stand before God and give Him an account. For some that will be a fearful day but for the believer it will a pleasure and delight to see Him face to face.
And this is my point. As a nation that has broken free from the moorings that once anchored us to decency and respect - as believers we must keep our eyes on God and His purpose. It's easy to get locked in on this tumultus and fearful moment only to miss that God is still at work in our lives and in the church. His purposes are higher and greater. God will not be deterred or stopped by madmen or governments that dismiss Him.
His sovereignty over governments and nations and peoples should cause us to be at rest. Trust Him. God is good and just and for the wrongs committed - He will help us not become bitter and angry. He will vindicate and put it right - as He determines - we must lean into Him and stay close to His heart.
As a nation we have witnessed this dark spirit animating a man filled with anger and hatred to kill and maim those in a bar. Sadly, we saw it played out in the streets of Dallas when police officers were killed. Recently CNN reported that Chicago had 2,000 victims of gun violence this year alone.
This violent and angry spirit is the same in Revelation 12:12 that says "Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short." The enemy understands he's constrained by the Holy Spirit but will make every effort to use the weakness of human flesh to move them to destroy others.
Because such a spirit exists it does not excuse a person to do whatever they please - in whatever god or cause - they claim supports their actions. One day we will all stand before God and give Him an account. For some that will be a fearful day but for the believer it will a pleasure and delight to see Him face to face.
And this is my point. As a nation that has broken free from the moorings that once anchored us to decency and respect - as believers we must keep our eyes on God and His purpose. It's easy to get locked in on this tumultus and fearful moment only to miss that God is still at work in our lives and in the church. His purposes are higher and greater. God will not be deterred or stopped by madmen or governments that dismiss Him.
His sovereignty over governments and nations and peoples should cause us to be at rest. Trust Him. God is good and just and for the wrongs committed - He will help us not become bitter and angry. He will vindicate and put it right - as He determines - we must lean into Him and stay close to His heart.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Thank You!
My wife and I finished moving a day ago. We were exhausted from moving furniture, boxes and bags of clothes. We raced against the clock to return our rented cargo van. So we unpacked our belongings and quickly put them against a nearby fence.
I didn't coordinate leaving the car at the rental agency so we walked back home. When I turned the corner of our street there was this strong impression to run down the hill to our apartment. A man had loaded two of our belongings into his car!
Then we struggled through the last day of the week to catch up with our demanding workload. On Saturday I opened the Bible to read a Psalms of thanksgiving. I praised Him for several minutes for His goodness and kindness. When I went to work a key program was not working. I buried my head in my hands grumbling but then stopped short. I made a choice to thank Him though the anxiety and panic was rising. I was so far behind that it was getting more difficult to keep pace. I was out of strength. My attitude to care was quickly fading.
When we can offer praise whenever we have failed or find ourselves in an uncomfortable circumstances - this pleases God more than trying to get ourselves out of it. These are what I call "teachable moments" when God wants to draw our attention to how we should respond when the pressure and heat intensifies. He has an answer if we are willing to thank Him for it before He makes a way through the problem (Isaiah 43:16-19).
Psalms 100 is like a medicine for a bad attitude - read, mediate and practice worship with these beautiful words. It will change both your attitude and altitude (you won't feel so low).
Psalm 100
A psalm. For giving grateful praise.
1 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
2 Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and not we ourselves;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.
(BibleGateway NIV)
I didn't coordinate leaving the car at the rental agency so we walked back home. When I turned the corner of our street there was this strong impression to run down the hill to our apartment. A man had loaded two of our belongings into his car!
Then we struggled through the last day of the week to catch up with our demanding workload. On Saturday I opened the Bible to read a Psalms of thanksgiving. I praised Him for several minutes for His goodness and kindness. When I went to work a key program was not working. I buried my head in my hands grumbling but then stopped short. I made a choice to thank Him though the anxiety and panic was rising. I was so far behind that it was getting more difficult to keep pace. I was out of strength. My attitude to care was quickly fading.
When we can offer praise whenever we have failed or find ourselves in an uncomfortable circumstances - this pleases God more than trying to get ourselves out of it. These are what I call "teachable moments" when God wants to draw our attention to how we should respond when the pressure and heat intensifies. He has an answer if we are willing to thank Him for it before He makes a way through the problem (Isaiah 43:16-19).
Psalms 100 is like a medicine for a bad attitude - read, mediate and practice worship with these beautiful words. It will change both your attitude and altitude (you won't feel so low).
Psalm 100
A psalm. For giving grateful praise.
1 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
2 Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the Lord is God.
It is he who made us, and not we ourselves;
we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
his faithfulness continues through all generations.
(BibleGateway NIV)