Forgiveness is a deep human and spiritual need to set things right. We live in a broken and sin-fallen world. That means we are almost guaranteed to be offended. And in turn we ourselves will offend sometimes unintentionally and at other times we act deliberately to wound. The object of our offense are often those who are the closest to us. Family, friends and co-workers.
True forgiveness requires the power and grace of Christ. It's not something that comes naturally especially if the offense is something so grievous and horrific. Even Peter asked how many times he was to forgive his brother to which Jesus replied seventy times seven (Matthew 18:22). The Lord was not giving a mathematical equation as if forgiveness was reduced to some workable formula by human endeavor.
Simply put, forgiveness is humanly impossible and much more difficult when a "brother or "sister" offends us. Family members knows us the best and can push our buttons to make us react badly.
Beloved, for the believer forgiveness is not optional. We are commanded to forgive regardless to what we feel about the person or to the measure of the offensive act committed against us. If we don't forgive we will find our selves imprisoned in a tormenting spiritual condition (Matthew 5:26). Let's be clear. Forgiveness is by no means to lessen the pain or dismiss the consequences of someone's offensive act.
We must believe God is judge of the all earth (Genesis 18:25) and is just in all His ways. He will deal with those who have deeply hurt us - yes, even for those who are still recovering from painful offenses.
When we chose to forgive we stand with Christ who forgave us - freely and with no condition - and from that position we can extend forgiveness as the Lord directs to those who offended us. My wife tells me when she became a Christian the Lord instructed her to forgive her father. So she wrote a letter to him. Whatever the response or reaction from him was not her goal but a freedom from the angry and pain that bound her heart. At last she was free to speak his name without bitterness and free to pray for him.
Forgiveness requires a sacrifice of human will and strength. It's not in us to forgive but with His power we can know a deep abiding freedom when we say goodbye to a prison of unforgiveness. And like Paul and Silas beaten and bound in prison chose to worship rather than nurse their offenses. Their chains broke off, the ground shook and the prisoners were set free. Even the jailer and his household accepted Christ as Lord.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Saturday, June 18, 2016
If You Love Me
I sat for several long minutes trying to keep my mind focused on reading a chapter in Ephesians. Just then the word power caught my attention. I prayed for strength to focus. I prayed for power to over ride my feverish mind.
There was so much going on with a moving company showing up in a couple of hours to quote a price for our move. The apartment we are moving into has been slow in finalizing a move in date and other information to make the transition smoother. My thoughts turned to work. Yesterday I received an email from my manager that an auditor found documentation errors with a special account that I will need to correct. I felt upset and low. The week had proven to be overwhelming when a co-worker took medical leave. Then I thought of tomorrow. Sunday didn't promise rest. There was ministry obligations and a class to attend at church.
Then the Lord broke through my stormy and turbulent thoughts. If you love me...keep my commandments. The gears in my head suddenly stopped by a startling question. It was not how much God loved me or even why He would love me but how much do I love Him?
Past all the pressures and activities of the day what remains is a steady and consistent love for Him.
John 14:15 says, "If you love me, keep my commands." (NIV). The word keep means to guard. Just as Psalmist writes, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." (NIV) Holding fast to His word means prevention of sin and all that follows when sinning against God.
Beloved, God gives us power to keep and sustain His revealed word to our hearts. To each life that He is transforming, He speaks truth regarding issues that keep us from giving our full love and devotion to Him. Such words are personal and intimate for each individual. The choice is to cherish those words that will bring life and freedom. Our faith grows and love for Him only deepens when we chose to obey.
We live in a day where Christians are now defining change or transformation as relevant to what makes them feel comfortable or what they can or can not accept to be true. God's love demands our very souls. Again, the question is not that God loves us but our devotion to Him.
I confessed to Him that I've grown distant, cold and was living with a "survivalist" attitude. Let's just get through this day !
True love for God makes us fearless and bold - an overcomer - because God's power flows through and from an obedient heart. Ask God to warm your heart to life again - these days are quickly fading - and we need to spend each moment loving Him with a reckless abandonment, even if life is not good and things go wrong.
There was so much going on with a moving company showing up in a couple of hours to quote a price for our move. The apartment we are moving into has been slow in finalizing a move in date and other information to make the transition smoother. My thoughts turned to work. Yesterday I received an email from my manager that an auditor found documentation errors with a special account that I will need to correct. I felt upset and low. The week had proven to be overwhelming when a co-worker took medical leave. Then I thought of tomorrow. Sunday didn't promise rest. There was ministry obligations and a class to attend at church.
Then the Lord broke through my stormy and turbulent thoughts. If you love me...keep my commandments. The gears in my head suddenly stopped by a startling question. It was not how much God loved me or even why He would love me but how much do I love Him?
Past all the pressures and activities of the day what remains is a steady and consistent love for Him.
John 14:15 says, "If you love me, keep my commands." (NIV). The word keep means to guard. Just as Psalmist writes, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." (NIV) Holding fast to His word means prevention of sin and all that follows when sinning against God.
Beloved, God gives us power to keep and sustain His revealed word to our hearts. To each life that He is transforming, He speaks truth regarding issues that keep us from giving our full love and devotion to Him. Such words are personal and intimate for each individual. The choice is to cherish those words that will bring life and freedom. Our faith grows and love for Him only deepens when we chose to obey.
We live in a day where Christians are now defining change or transformation as relevant to what makes them feel comfortable or what they can or can not accept to be true. God's love demands our very souls. Again, the question is not that God loves us but our devotion to Him.
I confessed to Him that I've grown distant, cold and was living with a "survivalist" attitude. Let's just get through this day !
True love for God makes us fearless and bold - an overcomer - because God's power flows through and from an obedient heart. Ask God to warm your heart to life again - these days are quickly fading - and we need to spend each moment loving Him with a reckless abandonment, even if life is not good and things go wrong.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
God Is Real
We read in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 says, "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;" (KJV).
Another word for falling away is apostasy. I believe once devoted saints can be baited by a well-crafted lie of the devil. A lie that dismisses the reality of God. Whatever can be touched or handled or seen is real. God is Spirit so we can't see Him (though He is evident in the lives He changes and His glory found in nature) so the material becomes empirical to how we shape our reality.
It was the same attitude in Noah's generation. Luke 17:27 warns, "People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all." (NIV)
We question God's love when we hear about terrifying wars or suffering children caught in the middle of a divorce. We dismiss God's power to heal after our love one dies of cancer. We demand His immediate justice for those who offend us but it never comes. In short, the toxicity of unbelief closes out the existence of God.
This generation is experiencing what I call atheist-like believers. They simply don't believe God is true to His promises. They go to church, mouth the words of the religious and do acts of service but their heart is cold and lifeless.
But God does care and understands our struggles. A God who makes all things work for the good of those who are called by His name. We are in the last days, beloved. Belief in God's existence is vital to our faith. For we live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7, NIV).
Beloved, regardless to what our condition or status in life - we must confess God is real. He changes not but remains the same in a world that is constantly changing.
Sometimes I'll look up at the clouds or glance at the trees to remind myself God is in control. He holds back the oceans and causes the sun to rise and dip below the horizon.
His mercy endures forever and so does He.
Another word for falling away is apostasy. I believe once devoted saints can be baited by a well-crafted lie of the devil. A lie that dismisses the reality of God. Whatever can be touched or handled or seen is real. God is Spirit so we can't see Him (though He is evident in the lives He changes and His glory found in nature) so the material becomes empirical to how we shape our reality.
It was the same attitude in Noah's generation. Luke 17:27 warns, "People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all." (NIV)
We question God's love when we hear about terrifying wars or suffering children caught in the middle of a divorce. We dismiss God's power to heal after our love one dies of cancer. We demand His immediate justice for those who offend us but it never comes. In short, the toxicity of unbelief closes out the existence of God.
This generation is experiencing what I call atheist-like believers. They simply don't believe God is true to His promises. They go to church, mouth the words of the religious and do acts of service but their heart is cold and lifeless.
But God does care and understands our struggles. A God who makes all things work for the good of those who are called by His name. We are in the last days, beloved. Belief in God's existence is vital to our faith. For we live by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7, NIV).
Beloved, regardless to what our condition or status in life - we must confess God is real. He changes not but remains the same in a world that is constantly changing.
Sometimes I'll look up at the clouds or glance at the trees to remind myself God is in control. He holds back the oceans and causes the sun to rise and dip below the horizon.
His mercy endures forever and so does He.
Saturday, June 4, 2016
A Single Thought
We are commanded to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5). The word captive in the original means to subdue or lead captive as one does a prisoner.
Even our best thoughts have to be held in check. How many times did we have a good idea but it turned out to be terrible mistake. Remember what Isaiah 55:8 says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD." (NIV). God's thoughts are far better and higher than our own.
But it's that one single thought that if not dominated by His power can quickly turn on us. The Devil questioned Adam and Eve when tempted to eat from the tree God had forbidden them. Did God say? So the wheels in their heads started to turn on a single seed of doubt regarding what God said was true if they were to disobey. What looked pleasing to the eye and enlightening for the mind to know good and evil seemed better than walking away from a talking snake.
How many times does that single thought play out when we are tempted. Somehow we think if we don't follow through with our thought (and we know it's not good) we just might be missing out on something. We have to know what this or that is like - besides you live only once, right? Tell that to someone who takes drugs for the first time and dies from an overdose. Or the young person who drinks and gets behind the wheel only to kill another driver.
Our sins may not be so dramatic or over the top. We have a lot thoughts but never act on them. Still we allow them free reign to run wild in our heads. Those who study the mind are not clear about the neurological and chemical interactions that go into the formation of thoughts. There is one factor that is not mentioned and that is thoughts can be spiritually influenced and shaped.
And that is why we need the Holy Spirit to help us untangle the knots of thoughts and impressions that will drive us into a path we should not pursue. The Lord is the Spirit of truth that leads us into all truth according to John 16:13. We have to be honest about what we think and ask for His help to interrupt the thought before we act on it.
A simple prayer of help is asking for Him to light up His word in our hearts - for His light will always dispel darkness. Spend time with Him beloved for when we keep His word our hearts and minds are clear and transparent.
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalms 119:11 (KJV)
Even our best thoughts have to be held in check. How many times did we have a good idea but it turned out to be terrible mistake. Remember what Isaiah 55:8 says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD." (NIV). God's thoughts are far better and higher than our own.
But it's that one single thought that if not dominated by His power can quickly turn on us. The Devil questioned Adam and Eve when tempted to eat from the tree God had forbidden them. Did God say? So the wheels in their heads started to turn on a single seed of doubt regarding what God said was true if they were to disobey. What looked pleasing to the eye and enlightening for the mind to know good and evil seemed better than walking away from a talking snake.
How many times does that single thought play out when we are tempted. Somehow we think if we don't follow through with our thought (and we know it's not good) we just might be missing out on something. We have to know what this or that is like - besides you live only once, right? Tell that to someone who takes drugs for the first time and dies from an overdose. Or the young person who drinks and gets behind the wheel only to kill another driver.
Our sins may not be so dramatic or over the top. We have a lot thoughts but never act on them. Still we allow them free reign to run wild in our heads. Those who study the mind are not clear about the neurological and chemical interactions that go into the formation of thoughts. There is one factor that is not mentioned and that is thoughts can be spiritually influenced and shaped.
And that is why we need the Holy Spirit to help us untangle the knots of thoughts and impressions that will drive us into a path we should not pursue. The Lord is the Spirit of truth that leads us into all truth according to John 16:13. We have to be honest about what we think and ask for His help to interrupt the thought before we act on it.
A simple prayer of help is asking for Him to light up His word in our hearts - for His light will always dispel darkness. Spend time with Him beloved for when we keep His word our hearts and minds are clear and transparent.
Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalms 119:11 (KJV)