Saturday, May 28, 2016

Care And Comfort

No doubt we live in distressing times. The media tells us of wars and famines and horrific events. Leaders and politicians turn divisive and mean spirited. They promise change but it's just all talk.

Some of us work in a stressful environment. Our families are in a crisis and our marriages are tattered and frayed. When we try to read God's word and pray we feel empty and dry. We are too tired to even turn a page! Rather than falling into His peace we are just falling to pieces.

And that is why we need to call out to God for the Holy Spirit to comfort us. To the extent we trust Him for relief is to the measure we rest confidently on His promises. The Lord showed His care for the disciples by saying, "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;" (John 14:16). Since the Holy Spirit dwells in us we have access to the Comforter whenever we find ourselves in pain and discomfort.

Beloved, we have to believe God cares for us as an individual and cares about the pressing issues we face. He cares about the unpaid bills and sick child. He cares that where we work fills us with dread and worry. He will make provision for these needs as He determines.

All He desires is we simply ask Him for more of Him.

Often in distressful times a particular pattern of how we try to fix things emerges but it only make matters worse. When we stop long enough to ask the Comforter to calm a racing heart and troubled mind - God steps in and commands order and peace. Yes, order and peace when things are shattered and seemingly irreparable.

Let's learn to lean back as the beloved disciple did on Jesus' chest to hear His heartbeat. It will steady our own hearts to know all is well. God is with me. He loves me. I'm cared and comforted by His Spirit. No matter my condition or state He is for me and not against me.

Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10 (NLT)

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Shameless Persistence

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to prayer (Luke 11:1-13). He starts with what has been called the Lord's prayer but in truth it's a template or outline for the disciples and us to follow.

Then the Lord transitions from the "how" of prayer to the substance of meaningful prayer.

True prayer takes shameless persistence. Jesus gives an illustration of a friend in need asking for help. "I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth" (Luke 11:18). The word importunity in the original means "shameless or unembarrassed" persistency.

Too often we don't ask the Lord for the most personal and intimate needs in our lives. We may feel foolish. Perhaps we don't think it matters to Him or it's too painful to put in words the deepest need of our heart.

I remember a time when I felt ashamed to ask God to heal me of a disease that I brought on myself through foolish choices. But the Lord instructed me to ask big and bold. The Lord taught me to press into Him though everything went contrary to what I thought including the voices of others who may agreed. You made your bed and now lie in it! But I'm reminded of Jesus who said to the paralyzed man that his sins were forgiven and to get up! (Matthew 9:6).

Beloved, when we ask God in faith no matter how difficult and hard the request - He is pleased to grant us what He desires. I believe faith moves the heart of God that He unlocks the door to blessings we don't deserve but nonetheless are richly bestowed on those who have learned to ask shamelessly - even while feeling small and too ashamed to ask.

So ask big and shamelessly bold my brothers and sisters. Remember the purpose of prayer is not so much getting an answer but rather a greater revelation of the heart of God. He is good - all the time - life is not but He remains faithful to us - to the very end.

One day we look at Him face to face. None of the prayers answered or unanswered will matter as much as that single look of love in His eyes. All His interactions in our lives - the times He got up and unlocked the door to so many blessings - only to open heaven to us!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Good, Good Father

A good father provides and protects his family. The role of the protector and provider is not measured by financial resources or brute strength. When a father can defend his child who has failed or make a sacrificial provision when the child can not contribute is the mark of a good, good father.

I think of my own father who provided for us. He earned enough to bring food to the table and pay the mortgage. And on a rare occasion he would show the side of a defender which made me stand in awe of him. There was unspoken lines you never crossed like disrespecting Mom and that's when his stronger side was expressed.

Only today did I remind myself that God is a good, good Father. My wife and I were given an estimate to repair our car after an accident. We sank in our chairs in disbelief. Yesterday on a rainy afternoon I looked down for something and glanced up to see I was inches from the driver's bumper in front of us.

In my low state, I took comfort in a God who does not berate and demean as some fathers do when angry or disappointed. His love for me has not changed in a life that has been littered with failure and broken promises. So I grasp the thread of faith that says even in this mess God can protect and defend me. Why? Simply because I'm his son and He loves me. So I took this opportunity as a teaching moment. If He's chastening me then it's for my good and it makes me love Him even more.

Luke 15:20 speaking of the prodigal says, "So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him (italics mine); he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."

Beloved, no matter our state or condition. No matter our personal history tainted by failures. Regardless to our poor choices and daily stumbles - God is a good, good Father. His eyes are not on our sins and failures. His eyes are on His sons and daughter who sees afar and runs to meet them.

If you had a father who failed to protect and defend you - God will take up your cause and defend you. Hold to this promise.

Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close (Psalms 27:10, NIV).

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Graven Images

Exodus 20:4 tells us that "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:" (KJV).

No doubt we live in a culture driven by image. One website indicates that last year some $62.46 billion U.S. dollars was spent on cosmetics. Another website cited the 2016 revenue for pornography was $13.33 billion dollars. Think of the many reality shows and competitions on television promising people they will be the next greatest musician or entertainer.

We have an innate desire to worship God. However, as fallen creatures, worship can easily be turned downward and inward so that an individual's talent is the primary focus.

And that is the problem with images. Since an image is only a mere representation or likeness, it lacks true substance. How many recording artists change their image to appear relevant but their real character continues to degrade often ending in a tragic death.

The other problem with images is the issue of sameness. We are often drawn to something familiar and comfortable even though the image in itself seems opposite of what we think or feel about ourselves.

When we construct such a mental image we become blind to our God given abilities and strengths. We undermine our potential for what seems to be a more perfect representation of something more attractive and desirable. Apostle Paul said it very well when speaking about his call and position in the community of believers. He smashed any impression they built in their imagination when he said " the grace of God I am what I am..." (I Corinthians 15:10).

Images will always be false and faulty because they are an impression of our ever changing desires. In contrast, true worship of God requires us to worship in the Spirit of truth. We can not see God so we must perceive Him by faith which is why He mandated that no graven image be constructed. God was not to be worshipped by something man manipulated into a palpable image. God is Other and is never confined by human imagination.

I believe this is the key to dismantling a graven (impressed) image...we must be authentic and real as shaped by God's grace. His grace is always sufficient when we are deficient.

Beloved, we have this promise in 2 Corinthians 3:18 that says, "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

It's not us shaping ourselves into some glamorous image but Christ the great Potter molding us into His glorious image!